
Huawei Obs is an object storage service on cloud.



  1. The real complete file or byte stream to save
  2. object name is the unique id in a bucket
    1. it’s used as part of url path. The naming restrictions are fit to url path naming restrictions.
  3. Access(based on version in fact)
    1. Object ACL:
      1. general control to object: read object, read/write object ACL, only users in the same account
    2. Object policy
      1. fine-grained control to object: fine-grained actions(put,delete…) on object, all users
  4. multi-versions
    1. an object can has multiple versions, each of which has an unique id.
    2. Whether there’s multi-version, it’s a policy set on a bucket.
  5. directory:
    1. directory is just a view. Essentially, it’s an empty object end with “/“.
    2. all objects in a bucket are on the same level. There’s no multi-level directory in fact.
    3. to create the directory view, you need to create an object with name ending with “/“ explicility, eg. “sub1/sub2/ . It will create a two-level dir in console. There’s no need to create “sub1/“ first then “sub1/sub2”.
  6. object actions:
    1. For writing, there’s only write/restricted-append/delete, no put
    2. basically-write-once-read-many
  7. upload modes:
    1. stream
    2. file
    3. multi-part (support breakpoint resume)
    4. append


  1. The place to save objects
  2. bucket name is the unique id for one account(a tenant).
    1. it’s used as part of domain name on url. The naming restrictions are fit to domain naming restrictions.
  3. Access
    1. Bucket ACL:
      1. general control to bucket and all objects in bucket: read/put buckets, read/write bucket ACL, only users in the same account
    2. Bucket policy
      1. fine-grained control to specific objects in bucket: fine-grained actions on bucket or specific objects in bucket, all users
  4. storage type
    1. standard:
      1. quick access & high throughput. It’s used for high access requests and not so big files.
    2. warm:
      1. low access.
    3. cold:
      1. very very low access


The region of nodes where the storage really happens.


The signature to identify a user when accessing buckets/objects.

  1. ak(access key): represent a user. one user can have multi aks. It’s kind of like an user role
  2. sk(secret key): one-to-one corresponding with ak. The secret key used for RSA authentication & authorization.