test principles
three reasons why we should not use inheritance in tests
- 很多测试里的继承用的不合适。测试也是代码,必须符合继承的原则。
The point of inheritance is to take advantage of polymorphic behavior NOT to reuse code, and people miss that, they see inheritance as a cheap way to add behavior to a class. When I design code I like to think about options. When I inherit, I reduce my options. I am now sub-class of that class and cannot be a sub-class of something else. I have permanently fixed my construction to that of the superclass, and I am at a mercy of the super-class changing APIs. My freedom to change is fixed at compile time.
Polymorphism is the provision of a single interface to entities of different types
- 可能会影响性能。
并不是所有的测试可能都会用到测试基类里的东西,而 beforeClass、beforeTest 在执行所有测试时都会被1. 查找,2. 执行,这些都导致了 CPU 的浪费。
此外,其他人也提到,比如 springboottest 中,基类中配置 @SpringBootTest
,最终可能导致在每个测试中配置 @DirtyContext
- 很影响 reading
这个问题仁者见仁,智者见智。duplicate code 也是问题。两者相权,如何处理?但对于目前的代码,如果没有问题,还是保持现状比较好。对于符合继承规则这点,倒是需要注意的。
作者在 writing clean test 中提出了些解决方法,但感觉还是有些片面。当然他写了一个系列的文章:writing clean test series。